2017-8-28 16:27:54

山东冷库造价节能控制系统的主要特点以及存在的问题, 冷库经过了原始的机械制冷、氨液设备制冷、氟设备制冷一直到现在环保节能冷库,一步步走向今天更节能、更环保、更有效的自动化管理。

The main characteristics of energy saving control system and the existing problems of cold storage after the original mechanical refrigeration equipment, refrigeration equipment, liquid ammonia fluorine refrigeration until now, environmental protection and energy saving refrigerator, a step toward today more energy-saving, more environmental protection and more effective automation management.


1, the compressor delta starting the compressor equipment as well as the impact of the power grid, affect the service life of the equipment; moreover, equipment starting operation only after the completion of full speed, by adjusting the air return valve (evaporation pressure) to control the cooling capacity of opening. The power consumption is wasted, the equipment failure rate is high, and the operation economy is poor.


2 cold storage equipment, low automatic control level, completely rely on manual operation, and people's subjective initiative and technical level, because when there are great differences, it is difficult to achieve optimal control.



3, according to the different branches of the library storage or storage conditions change and insulation performance differences, difficult to achieve various branches of the library according to their own needs, which automatically adjust the cooling capacity of the original, without Branch refrigeration caused excessive cooling waste; defrosting and cooling water pump operation is difficult to achieve the best effect.

4、冷库的自控系统采用S7 PLC控制与编程;通过MPI通讯实现与上位机之间的数据通讯;对于大型冷库,采用Profibus-dp通讯方式,与各分支冷库、冷却间控制设备实现全数据交流;

Automatic control system of 4 cold storage using S7 PLC control and programming; communication through MPI data communication between the host computer; for large cold storage, the use of Profibus-dp communication, and each branch of the cold storage, cooling control data exchange equipment;


5. The intake valve of the control station is changed into an electric mechanism, and various types of sensors are added to realize the automatic control of the PLC.


6. The refrigeration compressor is driven by AC frequency conversion device. The whole data exchange and control are realized by Modbus communication and PLC;


The exciting content of this article comes from the details of the cost of Shandong cold storage. Please click on our official website: http://www.sddslk.com/ thank you for coming!
