2017-8-23 17:29:33


The size of the cold storage should be designed according to the maximum amount of agricultural products to be stored annually. This capacity is in addition to considering the storage of products in the cold storage of the necessary volume of storage, but also with the inter aisle, pile and wall, ceiling space and packaging space between such. Determine the capacity of cold storage, and then determine the length and height of the cold storage.


Food storage can make fruit or vegetables to reach a long-term preservation, preservation of cold storage technology is to allow the storage of fruits and vegetables have low temperature preservation effect, temperature of fruits and vegetables should be limited to 0 to 15 degrees.


Refrigeration can make the probability of occurrence of pathogenic bacteria is effectively reduced, also can reduce the fruit a phenomenon of decay, but also to let the respiratory metabolism of fruit has slowed, so it can prevent decay, also can make fruits and vegetables storage time is prolonged greatly, this is us why do we need fruit cold storage building.



Also consider the buildings and facilities necessary for the design of cold storage, such as workshop, packaging and finishing tool storage and loading platform, when the fruit cold storage building, should also consider setting cooling, after cooling is placed between the main pre cooling need some frozen food, the processing cycle is generally limited in 12 to 24 an hour after the product pre cooling temperature is limited to four degrees, a note which is the fruit of the cold construction, if we use the fruit cold storage, can be installed in accordance with the introduction of Guangzhou Tianhong refrigeration and cold storage, fruit can make better storage.


The wonderful content of this article comes from the food cold storage. Please click on our official website: http://www.sddslk.com/, thank you for coming!
